Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reminder - Training On 27th April

Hi Team,

Remember that Wednesday training (27th April) is at Clementi Sports Hall from 3. 00pm to 5. 00pm. And it is also the Last Week for CCA.

Take Note:
1. REMOVE watches from hand during training.
2. NO sitting down while resting when waiting for your turn to be in the court.
3. Do FASTER! (According to coach)


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reminder - Training On 20th April

Hi Team,

Take Note!
Remember that Wednesday training (20th April) is at Clementi Sports Hall from 3. 00pm to 5. 00pm (Maybe later, depends on coach)

For the Seniors:
Remember to wear Badminton Jersey on Wednesday. 


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Reminder - 5th April 2011 (Training On 13th April)

Hi Team,

Take Note!
Remember that Wednesday training (13th April) is at School from 4. 30pm to 6. 30pm (Maybe later, depends on coach) 

For the Seniors:
Remember to wear Badminton Jersey on Wednesday. 


Monday, April 4, 2011

Reminders - 4th April 2011

Hi Team,

Take Note!
Remember that Wednesday training (6th April) is at Clementi Sports Hall from 3pm to 5pm (Maybe later, depends on coach)

*Also, for those who have taken the shuttlecock tubes home, remember to bring them on Wednesday as we need to use them. And for those who did not take any, kindly find Mr Lim (teacher-in -charge) to open the cupboard and collect the shuttlecock tubes and bring on Wednesday. Please remind each other to bring.*

For the Seniors:
Remember to wear Badminton Jersey on Wednesday. 
